Friday 19 October 2018


Educating in animation can be a clever idea as children love to watch cartoons or films and if they are entertained educating them is killing two birds with one stone. Stop motion animation like ‘Elephant and friends’ which teaches young children the right things to do and morals.

Entertain in stop motion can help attracted an audience whether it be young children or adults because if it is entertaining like Wallace and Gromit any age group could find that entertaining. And if it is entertaining the stop motion film or show will have more popularity and money which could also lead to more of them such as sequels.

Inform with stop motion is like educate as it informs the audience the meaning of the show and helps them learn.

Uses and audiences give examples and analyse describe and evaluate the work key is who are the audiences

Feature film the use of this is to create entertainment to the audience whether that being a U, PG,12A,12,15,18 or R18. A feature film would be considered a film that is lengthy enough to be classed as a film. An example of a feature film is Wallace and Gromit curse of the were-rabbit which is rated U and this audience is suitable for everyone at any age. Sometimes a film rated PG is more suited for children however a film such as toy story 4 that is set to come out in 2019 would be for children but people who watched the first film will be an adult and may wan to watch the 4th film.

Advertising can be determined on the film or what they are advertising, if the advertisement isn’t suitable for a child they will play the advert after 9pm or on a child restricted channel. The target audience can be determined by the film as it may be suitable for people who prefer certain types of genres.  Sometimes product is influential as some people may be looking for a cleaning product for example and they would be allured into adverts like ‘Mr Muscle’.

Music Videos the type of song and the song lyrics are imperative to having an audience as some songs you hear on the radio can have a different feel to when you watch the video. For example, Ed Sheeran's music video ‘shape of you’ is him training for a boxing match but the song on the radio makes it out to be that he is happy with his girlfriend’s figure. So, this target audience can appeal to different audiences such as athletes into boxing or self-conscience people.

Computer games can have a wide range of audiences as many games that are rated 18 are often played by people younger than 18 for example call of duty. But games such as Spider-Man that has recently come out is rated 16 but that doesn’t mean a 30-year-old can’t play it. So, the audience is for anyone interested. But there are downfalls for games such as call of duty being played by younger audiences or even Spider-Man children can become: violent, angry, can get headaches, have eyestrain, lack of sleep, etc. this shows that age ratings are there for a reason.

Websites advertise the latest product you have looked at, so they will advertise what interests you. This is smart as they will be able to pick out a target audience just because you looked at one thing for example say you looked at a Adidas jumper you will get loads of adverts on different websites suggesting jumpers.

TV has an audience for any one, but dramas are more towards adults as they are most often played around 9pm but TV is attracted by children the most as this is what they like to spend their time of is watching TV. So, therefore there is a lot of advertisement on children toys especially the time around Christmas as children will want that for Christmas.

Techniques and Formats

Time-Lapse is taking a sequence of frames at set intervals to record changes that take place slowly over time. When the frames are shown at normal speed the action seems much faster. But a simple definition is a technique used in films that can speed up the video.

Plasticine is a soft mouldable material. Mainly used by children but it also can be used to be animated. This is sometimes preferred to be used as it doesn’t dry out like clay.

Claymation is better to use for animating as it is stronger and more durable to use Films like Wallace and Gromit is using plasticine. This is used for films like Wallace and Gromit because the films need the characters to look the same so clay can dry out and stay in its mould unlike plasticine.

Found objects a natural or manufactured object that is perceived as being aesthetically satisfying and exhibited as such.

Cut out this is a shape cut out from cardboard it can be anything it can be used for a background setting.

Puppetry is using puppets to create movement and they are mainly use with hands and strings for movement.

Human Stop Motion (Pixilation) this has uses on humans this can be blocking out their face, so they can’t be identified or it can be to make them look less real and more ‘cartoonish’.

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