Friday 25 January 2019

Task 1

• To compress and summarise a sound recording to fit a specific space.
In this introduction into the TV show The Flash it is around 30 seconds and this has to be the same for every episode so the episode can run at a specific time and so that the adverts can play. This can summarise the story so far compressed in the start, so the other 30 seconds is a previously.
Comparing both of these introduction to each episode of the flash they are really similar as they are both about 30 seconds long the only difference is one is shorter by a few seconds but having a 30 second limit is good as it allows the episode enough time to run the episode to keep it in its time slot for the TV channel. this is also reconcilable to fans of the show as it is similar in each season and its in every single episode of the flash whit the opening line of 'My name is Barry Allen and i am the fastest man alive' this is the start of each intro in the flash.

In Blue Planet 2 you have a little prequel to the main start of the series/episode this is to give you a little idea of what is to come, it shows a montage of the mammals swimming and watching nature before the title appears. This is timed to make it play so that the rest of the episode has enough time to play.

• To eliminate flawed, repetitive, superfluous, uninteresting, irrelevant material from a recorded clip
Interviews are top for eliminating irrelevant materials from a recorded clip. interviews such as below are recorded and cut or sent out with clips up to 3 minutes to keep the audience interested instead of watching a whole interview just for one part.

When you compare this interview with Henry Cavil to the full Interview most people would want to watch the shorter one as it is 3 minutes long, but the other interview clip about Man of Steel is 8 minutes long and that sounds long winded. Similarities show that they are both about Henry Cavil playing Superman but differences are that the time limit is shorter.  When Henry Cavil is on the BBC One radio you can see that that is another extended interview which is too long compared to the snip it of the 3 minute interview scene.

• To enable recorded speech to remain legal.
In match of the day they would play clips of football but they wouldn't want to play anything with swearing so they would bleep it out so in this clip below of Joe Hart swearing match of the day would bleep it out. In match of the day you can see that they do not play the clip of Joe Hart as it needs to stay legal so air on television especially if it is live so they wont be able to air it on television especially the BBC.
when you compare these video you can clearly tell that you wouldn't be able to play it as him shouting the swear word it wouldn't be appropriate for viewers as children watch it as well as adults so it would need to be appropriate for all that views. That is why in Match of the day they wont play that clip.

• To ensure any indecent or inappropriate language is edited out
When radios want to play popular songs they cant play any swearwords so they try to change the lyrics or block it out. This could be the radio editing or the producers of the song changing the lyric all together.

 The difference between this version and the normal version is all the swearing in this song has been cut and edited out. This is common for songs such as rap as they will have a lot of swearing in it, some people have a problem with it as it doesn't sound right listening to gaps in the song.
(1st video is the clean version, 2nd video is the explicit)

Also this is the same for films this would open up a wider target audience to make sure they can get as many viewers as possible this is what Deadpool has done with there red band trailer and a green band trailer and there is a clear difference in these trailers as Deadpool says two different things in the same scene.

• To change the chronological or logical order of a series of sounds or speech.

This is to show a scene of what is happening as well as the current scene you are hearing and watching so it would be meanwhile scene. The purpose of this is to contrast and compare the scenes against each other. So in the Kings Speech his last speech it cuts away to people listening to him.
This also could be in films where a character remembers an inspiring saying from a previous character e.g. when Luke remembers what Ben said. Or simply a song viewing the past and present.

Comparing both these clips the similarities is that they both speak and it view other areas in the film but in the film The Hangover it flashes back to the start of the film and then changes back to present day of the tiger in the bathroom and it also goes into other people's faces as he sings.

ADR can be used to make a voice over work so that you can hear what the character is saying.Automated Dialog Replacement this is when the actors voice over their lines again to make sure it matches the film.
• To create impact by adding sound effects and/or music between pieces of recorded speech.
In this film Wanted you can hear phones ringing that implies he is in an office as well as keyboard noises, these are ambient sounds that fit in the background.

Foley Sound is when a sound artist creates sound effects for films, so in Wanted when someone one is walking you want to hear the footsteps someone has Foley sound edited footsteps to make them louder for the audience to hear.

Comparing these clips in Friends you can hear the wind in the background as well as the waves in the background which is ambient sound. But in Wanted its just office typing . the wind causes the effect that you know that they are at the beach as well as you know they are in an office for the film Wanted.
In Blue Planet 2 you can hear non-diegetic sound which has been dubbed over as you wont be able to hear the sound properly under water like they have made it sound like. They have used a Foley sound edit to make this sound like it is underwater. Also Blue Planet has the chance to play ambient sounds which are natural sounds in the background so you could be hearing David Attenborough speak but also hear sea waves crashing in the background this is ambient.

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